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Shed 5 - 50 Pounds and Learn How To Keep It Off.


Join The Fit With Confidence Community today! 

A Judgement-Free Zone for Singles Ready to Lose Weight! 


You're exhausted by the endless cycle of trying and failing to lose weight on your own. You know you need support and accountability if you’re ever going to reach your goals. But where do you find that?


Gyms can be intimidating, especially when you’re shy about your current weight or fitness level. Friends mean well but just don’t understand the daily struggle to eat healthy and stay motivated.


That’s why I’ve created the Fit With Confidence Community! An empowering fitness community specifically for single women who want to lose weight without facing the overwhelming pressure of doing it alone.

Candace's Journey Will Inspire You

"Before starting my weight loss journey with Ciera, I was eating unhealthy, overweight, and unmotivated. I was heading down the wrong road. After working with Ciera, I have gained more energy, lost weight, and cleaned up my eating habits. This journey has taught me that hard work and consistency pays off."


Meet Your Coach and Confidence Booster

Hi there! I’m Ciera, founder of Fit With Confidence and a certified personal trainer with over 15 years of experience. My role is to be your caring coach and confidence booster throughout your weight loss journey.


I know first-hand how hard yet rewarding it is to transform your health and self-image. Growing up, I struggled with my weight before finally creating healthy habits in college. Now, I’ve made fitness a joyful part of my lifestyle instead of a chore.


After helping hundreds of women reach their goals over the years, I’ve learned that this journey is so much sweeter with support from someone who gets it. That’s why I’m so excited to get to know you!


My approach is all about sustainability through self-love and community, not extreme diets that never work long-term. Together, we’ll discover the foods, workouts, and mindset shifts that have you feeling healthy, vibrant and comfortable in your favorite jeans again.


I can’t wait to hear your story! Let’s talk soon and start mapping out a plan to have you looking and feeling like the best version of yourself. Now is your time girl!

This Is What You Get Inside My Community

April Trans.webp

April's Inspiring Journey to Better Health

"Since joining the FitWithC Community my blood pressure is so much better. I am still on the hydrochlorothiazide, but at a lower dosage. I am no longer taking the other medications. My weight is coming off slowly, but I am maintaining the weight loss. There are times where I'm not consistent with nutrition or cardio. I'm still finding balance with my busy

life and ways to continually improve."

Small Group Training That Will Keep You Motivated

Getting active is hard enough without having to do it entirely alone. Our weekly 45-minute workouts provide you with an uplifting sisterhood to make exercise enjoyable instead of a chore. Enjoy 15+ new workouts each month.


Inside our non-judgemental space, I will lead you through effective workouts specific to your skill and fitness levels. No matter what shape you’re currently in, you’ll feel comfortable and motivated to show up and put in the effort.


Leave embarrassment and dread behind! Our encouraging atmosphere makes achieving results feel totally possible. With supporting women beside you, hitting your goals will be a breeze.

Rose Trans.webp

How Rose Lost the Pandemic Pounds and Her Self Doubt

"Before joining Ciera's program I was struggling after gaining a ton of weight during the pandemic, feeling unmotivated and extremely self-conscious. After joining Ciera's program I get better and stronger every day and feel super confident. I am no longer self-conscious about my body and uncomfortable with how my clothes fit."

Meal Prep Made Simple, Tasty and Sustainable

Let’s be real - bland diet food and flavorless meals lead to major cheat days, followed by regret and failure. I know because I’ve been there!


The easy meal plans I share with the community ensure you enjoy eating clean, without ever feeling restricted or like you’re missing out.


Learn how to diet properly. The easy meal plan tips make sticking to the plan super simple. No more getting bored or burnt out. Just delicious, nourishing foods that nurture your body and satisfy those tastebuds!


How Cidnee Went From Zero Confidence to Total Body Goals

"Before joining Ciera's program I was super unhappy with how I felt and how my body looked, I wasn't proud of myself and my confidence was low. After joining Ciera's program I have so much more energy, I've become regimented with my workouts which have increased not only my physical confidence but also my mental and emotional confidence."

Finally Have the Missing Support You Need to Succeed

Making real lifestyle changes is downright hard without constant support and accountability. My uplifting community ensures you have an entire sisterhood behind you so you actually stick to the plan.


Inside our private chat, you’ll connect for motivation, share wins, learn about future challenges you may face, ask questions, compete in friendly competitions for cash prizes, and celebrate milestones. Struggling with willpower?


You’ll also get regular check-ins. I’ll provide that extra dose of knowledge when you need it, help troubleshoot obstacles, and ensure you feel fully supported each step of the way. 


With like-minded women cheering you on, reaching your health goals will be easy! Consider my community your built-in support team helping you look and feel your absolute best.

Are You Ready to Become Unstoppable On Your Journey?

Think back to what originally brought you here. How were you feeling about yourself and your body? Frustrated? Fed up? Unmotivated? Lost?


Now imagine having an entire sisterhood lifting you up, personalized plans in place making healthy habits second nature, and a new vibrant glow as the confident woman you were always meant to be.


How would that feel? Empowering? Unstoppable? Worth it?


You have the chance to make that vision a reality! But you have to take the first step. 


So what's it going to be girl… are you ready to join our inspiring community and become the next success story?

P.S. Got questions? Hop on Instagram and shoot me a DM @FitWithCiera

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